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Medical Institution Designation and Publicly Funded Health Care

As of May 1, 2015
Law or regulation Date of designation
Health insurance-covered medical institution under the Health Insurance Act May 1, 1988
Medical care institution under the National Health Insurance Act May 1, 1988
Emergency medical facility under the Fire Service Act February 21, 1985
Medical institution under the Public Assistance Act February 1, 1982
Medical institution under the Act on Prevention of Infectious Diseases and Medical Care for Patients with Infectious Diseases September 7, 1970
Medical institution under the Workmen’s Accident Compensation Insurance Act April 1, 1957
Medical institution under the Local Public Service Accident Compensation Act April 30, 1959
Medical institution under the Atomic Bomb Survivors’ Assistance Act February 1, 1961
esignated nursing medical institution under the Maternal and Child Health Act September 25, 1959
Medical treatment benefits under the Act on Special Aid to the Wounded and Sick Retired Soldiers December 25, 1956
Designated self-reliance support medical institution under the Services and Supports for Persons with Disabilities Act April 1, 2006
Diseases under the Act on Medical Care for Patients with Intractable Diseases
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Research project for treatment of specific diseases (designated by the Hokkaido Government)
Hemolytic anemia October 1, 1977
Sudden deafness October 1, 1977
Abnormalities in steroid hormone production October 1, 1977
Sjögren’s syndrome October 1, 1983
Intractable hepatitis (excluding fulminant hepatitis and viral hepatitis B/C) April 1, 2005
Research project for treatment of specific chronic diseases in childhood (medical institution designated by the Hokkaido Government and the City of Sapporo)
Malignant neoplasm January 1, 2015
Chronic kidney disease January 1, 2015
Chronic respiratory disease January 1, 2015
Chronic heart disease January 1, 2015
Endocrine disease January 1, 2015
Collagen disease January 1, 2015
Diabetes January 1, 2015
Congenital metabolic disorder January 1, 2015
Hematologic diseases including hemophilia and immune disorders January 1, 2015
Neuromuscular diseases January 1, 2015
Chronic digestive diseases January 1, 2015
Research project for treatment of specific chronic diseases in childhood (designated by the Hokkaido Government)
Bone diseases April 1, 2006
Liver diseases April 1, 2006
Special project to promote treatment for hepatitis (designated by the National Government)
Hepatitis B/C (interferon) April 1, 2008
Hepatitis B (nucleoside analog therapy) April 1, 2010
Medical benefit project to prevent the progress of viral hepatitis and for patients with serious Hashimoto’s disease (designated by the Hokkaido Government)
Viral hepatitis October 1, 2005
Hashimoto’s disease October 1, 2005
Research project for treatment of congenital blood coagulation factor disorders (designated by the Hokkaido Government)
Congenital blood coagulation factor deficiency January 1, 1990
HIV infection transmitted by the administration of a blood coagulation factor preparation January 1, 1990
Other public expenditures
Health checkup for pregnant women and babies (Hokkaido Government, City of Sapporo) April 1, 1970
Preeclampsia (Hokkaido Government, City of Sapporo) April 1, 1970
Medical care for infants (Hokkaido Government, City of Sapporo, City of Ebetsu) September 1, 1973
August 1, 1993
Medical care for single-parent families (Hokkaido Government, City of Sapporo) October 1, 2004
Medical care for people with severe physical disabilities (Hokkaido Government, City of Sapporo) April 1, 1973
Medical care for children in foster care (Hokkaido Government, City of Sapporo) June 1, 1967
Medical care for diseases peculiar to school children (City of Sapporo) April 1, 1980
Medical care services for older senior citizens April 1, 2008
Special Measures Act on the Payment of Benefits for People Infected with a Specific Hepatitis B Virus April 1, 2012